Not for love of money, but of Humanity. "Greater is he who works for the good of all, then he who works for the good of himself only" ~ Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"- (NIV). I live in Singapore where the Emperor must not be disturbed.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Judicial courts in Singapore should stop assuming that the government is always right or being the political mouth piece of the government.

Judicial courts in Singapore should stop assuming that the government is always right or being the political mouth piece of the government.
I read with some concern the article (appended in quote below) 'What court decision on by-election reveals' [TODAY, 06Aug2013] and noted the bias in 2 contrasting statements pertaining to the decision of the court to "dismissed her appeal on the ground that she lacked standing to have the case heard."

How cheap (easy) can it be for the rich to hold Justice/ the Court hostage in Singapore?

The short answer: just ~0.05% of the claim amount sought. (caveat: see below)

I read with interest: 'Ex-UOB head's kin sue fund managers over $139m portfolio'[ST, 19July2013](appended below in quotes)
Which presuming it is a case heard over 15 days:

Court Hearing Fees (Value of claim above S$1million)